ALTEVAS foto website




ALgenTEchnologie voor de VALorisatie van Spuistromen

Het doel in dit valorisatieproject is het aantonen van de effectiviteit van de Altevastechnologie die op een economisch haalbare manier spuiwater uit de glastuinbouw wil zuiveren. Dit wil men doen op basis van microalgen gecombineerd met fysio-chemische technieken. In dit project wil men eveneens de octrooieerbaarheid van dit systeem bekijken en exploreren welke de mogelijke valorisatiepistes zijn.

Algae technology for the valorisation of drainwater

The main goal of the ALTEVAS project is to treat the drainwater from horticulture greenhouses in a durable and economically feasable manner. This will be done using a microalgae system combined with physicochemical techniques, resulting in a reuse of the treated water. Furthermore, an extra income for the farmer is created as the microalgae are selected on their economical value. The composition of the drain water varies according to the company and the cultivation. Therefore, a specific selection of the most appropriate microalgae is needed. Our project results will lead to a future, commercializable, complete treatment plant. A follow-up of the companies implementing our ALTEVAS technology will be foreseen as to assure a maximal efficiency. Furthermore, ALTEVAS expertise is needed in case of calamities or when a change in cultivation is foreseen. Services based on the ALTEVAS expertise could be offered in the future by, for example, the foundation of a spin-off. On the longer term, ALTEVAS target group of customers can be extended to other sectors, which have problems with similar residual flows.

ALTEVAS is een onderzoeksproject van het onderzoekscentrum Health and Water Technology.

Projectcoördinator HOGENT

Christine Van der heyden


Bjorge Decostere


26/09/2019 - 31/03/2021
